Skål International Australia February News
The start to the year has been overshadowed for us in Australia with the devastating bushfires, we have received many messages of concern and support from Skålleagues around the world and a number of Clubs have donated funds to the Skål International Australia Emergency Fund to assist in alleviating the effects of the fires. We thank each and every one of you for your generous support.
Fellow Skålleagues around the world AUSTRALIA IS OPEN FOR BUSINESS and we invite you, your friends, family and clients to visit us Down Under and experience this great country.
Australian Vice President Frances Fausett, World President Peter Morrison & CEO Daniela Otero.
Vice President Frances Fausett recently had the pleasure of attending the 50th Birthday of Skål International Christchurch New Zealand in January, “Home Club of Skål International President Peter Morrison”. It was a great occasion attended by a number of Skål Australia members, including two Past World Presidents Max Kingston and Tony Boyle. Great company and great weather! Thanks to all at Skål International Christchurch for their hospitality and friendship.
Australian Vice President Frances Fausett, World President Peter Morrison & CEO Daniela Otero.
Vice President Frances Fausett recently had the pleasure of attending the 50th Birthday of Skål International Christchurch New Zealand in January, “Home Club of Skål International President Peter Morrison”.
It was a great occasion attended by a number of Skål Australia members, including two Past World Presidents Max Kingston and Tony Boyle. Great company and great weather!
Thanks to all at Skål International Christchurch for their hospitality and friendship.
Skål International Australia AGM and 101st National Assembly
A reminder if any Skålleagues are visiting Australia, please don’t hesitate to contact me to let me know where you will be travelling to and I can put you in touch with our members and advise of any meetings being held during your stay.
Yours in Skål,
Vice President Skål International Australia